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Thomas Kurtz


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Thomas Kurtz enjoys a multifaceted career as an educator, researcher, performing artist, chamber musician, administrator, and certified Body Mapping Educator. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from The University of Texas at Austin, studying with Dr. Stephen Page, in. As an educator and mentor, he fosters an atmosphere where his students know they are receiving equitable opportunities, giving them the means to reach their full potential, both in academia and in their professional lives.


As part of his own artistic endeavors, Thomas is committed to performing and programming works by historically excluded composers, and collaborating with other artists who are interested in the same. In parallel to his artistic work with composers, Thomas is engaged with the creation of a No Broken Links, a composer database focusing specifically on the work of womxn, transgender & gender non-conforming individuals, and/or Black, Indigenous, or persons of color. This has been a rewarding endeavor, as it provides a platform for members of this community to be heard, seen, and acknowledged.

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